You can receive the royalties from the sale of your artworks at any time. In addition, all the money generated will accumulate so that you can collect it all at once. You can see at any moment how much royalties you have earned from the user menu located at the top of the page.

To collect your income, sign in to your wallet in MITO. Then, in the user menu located at the top of the page, click on Earned royalties.


A small window will open indicating how many MATIC you have generated with the sale of your artworks so far. Next, click on Claim my royalties to open the confirmation of the money transfer to your wallet.


<aside> ☝ In the confirmation of your wallet, you'll see that 0 appears in the transaction amount. It displays 0 because wallets can't show the money that comes in, only the one that goes out. So, in this case, your wallet indicates that you are not paying but that you will receive MATIC (you only have to pay the gas fee).


In the confirmation window of your wallet, confirm the transaction. After a while, you will see your money in your wallet, along with a message.

Once you claim your royalties, you'll see that you don't have royalties to claim.


Whenever someone buys one of your artworks, you will see your MATICs ready to pick them up in this window, so come in from time to time.

<aside> 🔔 Soon we will implement notifications to notify you of each purchase or bid on your artworks.
